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Risultati 1-15 di 15

International humanitarian assistance

disaster relief actions in international law and organization

  • Macalister-Smith, Peter

Constraints on the waging of war

an introduction to international humanitarian law

  • Kalshoven, Frits

Protecting civilians

the obligations of peacekeepers

  • Wills, Siobhan

When soldiers fall

how Americans have confronted combat losses from World War I to Afghanistan

  • Casey, Steven

Humanitarian action in times of war

a handbook for practitioners

  • Minear, Larry

Protection of war victims

protocol 1 to the 1949 Geneva conventions

Un mondo mille guerre

diario di un cooperante

  • Perlotto, Franco

Il corpo del nemico ucciso [+]

violenza e morte nella guerra contemporanea

  • De Luna, Giovanni

Risultati 1-15 di 15