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Risultati 20-40 di 299

Astrobiology [+]

future perspectives

Bios und Zoë

die menschliche Natur im Zeitalter ihrer technischen Reproduzierbarkeit

The view from here [+]

on affirmation, attachment, and the limits of regret

  • Wallace, R. Jay

Incomplete nature

how mind emerged from matter

  • Deacon, Terrence W.


a multidisciplinary approach

  • Lunine, Jonathan Irving

At home in the universe

the search for laws of self-organization and complexity

  • Kauffman, Stuart A.

The creative matrix of the origins

dynamisms, forces and the shaping of life. Book II

Chemical evolution

origin of the elements, molecules, and living systems

  • Mason, Stephen F.

When did I begin?

conception of the human individual in history, philosophy and science

  • Ford, Norman M.

Intelligent life in the universe [+]

from common origins to the future of humanity

  • Ulmschneider, Peter

Understanding origins

contemporary views on the origin of life, mind and society

Steps towards life

a perspective on evolution

  • Eigen, Manfred

The molecular origins of life

assembling pieces of the puzzle

Our cosmic origins

from the Big Bang to the emergence of life and intelligence

  • Delsemme, Armand

Molecolar theory of evolution

outline of a physicochemical theory of the origin of life

  • Küppers, Bernd-Olaf

Dal non vivente al vivente

nuove ipotesi sull'origine della vita

  • Ageno, Mario