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Risultati 20-40 di 91

Abraham, blessing and the nations

a philological and exegetical study of Genesis 12:3 in its narrative context

  • Grüneberg, Keith N.

Cain and Abel in Syriac and Greek writers

4.-6. centuries

  • Glenthøj, Johannes Bartholdy

The value of human life

a study of the story of the flood : Genesis,6-9

  • Harland, Peter J.

Defender of the most holy matriarchs

Martin Lutherʼs interpretation of the women of Genesis in the Enarrationes in Genesin, 1535-45

  • Mattox, Mickey Leland

Noahʼs curse

the biblical justification of American slavery

  • Haynes, Stephen R.

The names of God

Poetic readings in biblical beginnings

  • Brichto, Herbert Chanan

Die biblische Urgeschichte

redaktions- und theologiegeschichtliche Beobachtungen zu Genesis 1,1-11,26

  • Witte, Markus

The hexaemeral literature

a study of the Greek and Latin commentaries on Genesis

  • Robbins, Frank Egleston

Auctoritas scripturae

Schriftauslegung und Theologieverständnis Peter Abaelards unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der "Expositio in Hexaemeron"

  • Heyder, Regina

Segen fur Isaak

eine rezeptionsasthetische Auslegung von Gen 26 und Kotexten

  • Dieckmann, Detlef

Grace in the midst of Judgment

grappling with Genesis 1-11

  • Lim, Johnson T. K.

1.1: Genesi 1,1 - 11,26

introduzione, traduzione e commento

The curse of Ham in the early modern era

the Bible and the justifications for slavery

Klippenabsturz zu Gott, Gen 22,1-19

sprachwissenschaftliche Notizen

  • Gathmann, Stefan

A semiotic analysis of Genesis 2-3

a semiotic theory and method of analysis applied to the story of the Garden of Eden

  • Wolde, E. J.: van

Die Genesis in der alten Kirche

die drei Kirchenväter

  • Armstrong, Gregory T.