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Risultati 1-7 di 7

The book of Ben Sira in modern research

proceedings of the First international Ben Sira conference 28-31 July 1996 Soesterberg, Netherlands

  • International Ben Sira conference 1. Soesterberg, Netherlands 1996

Reading Ecclesiastes

Old Testament exegesis and hermeneutical theory

  • Bartholomew, Craig G.

Urtext und Übersetzungen

Sprachstudie über Sir 44,16-45,26 als Beitrag zur Siraforschung

  • Reiterer, Friedrich V.

Commento all'Ecclesiastico [+]

Sermones et lectiones super Ecclesiastici c. 24, 23-31

  • Eckhart Meister

21: Siracide

  • Rybolt, John E.


le radici nella tradizione

  • Minissale, Antonino

Risultati 1-7 di 7