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Risultati 20-40 di 166

The death of inflation

surviving and thriving in the zero era

  • Bootle, Roger

La stabilité financière et la lutte contre l'inflation

un rapport de l'OECE

  • Organisation européenne de coopération économique

Inflation patterns and monetary policy

lessons for the European Central Bank

  • Groeneveld, Johannes M.

La dévaluation

théorie et pratique des dévaluations et des réévaluations

  • Breton, Pierre-Hubert

The current inflation

proceedings of a Conference held at the London School of economics on 22 february 1971

Inflation: causes, consequences, cures

discourses on the debate between the monetary and trade union interpretations

  • Robbins, Lord


proceedings of a conference held

  • International Economic Association

Classical theories of money, output and inflation

a study in historical economics

  • Green, Roy


a market anti-inflation plan

  • Lerner, Abba Ptachya

Contabilità di inflazione. Problemi per l'industria e gli istituti di credito

tavola rotonda organizzata dalla sezione triveneta dell'Associazione internazionale giuristi Italia - U.S.A., Jesolo, 19 maggio 1983

  • Associazione internazionale giuristi Italia - USASezione triveneta