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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 20-40 di 182

Tecnologia meccanica

  • Micheletti, Gian Federico

Machines-outils [+]

éléments, dispositifs, organisation

  • Gorgeu, P.

Wasser- und Weingefässe im heutigen Italien

sachkundiche Darstellung auf Grund der Materialien des Sprach- und Sachatlas Italiens und der Sudschweiz

  • Scheuermeier, Paul

Calculs des machines-outils

traité élémentaire et pratique

  • Thys, Edouard

Prüfbuch für Werkzeugmaschinen

Die Arbeitsgenauigkeit der Werkzeugmaschinen

  • Schlesinger, Georg

Affilatura degli utensili

norme e consigli pratici per la razionale manutenzione degli utensili da taglio

Proceedings of the 26. International machine tool design and research conference

held in Manchester, 17.-18. september 1986

  • International machine tool design and research conference

Proceedings of the twenty-seventh international MATADOR conference

held in Manchester, 20.-21. April 1988

  • International MATADOR conference

Tool design

  • Pollack, Herman W.

Proceedings of the twenty-fifth International machine tool design and research conference

held in Birmingham, 22nd-24th april 1985

  • International machine tool design and research conference

Proceedings of the twenty-second international machine tool design and researchconference

held in Manchester 16th-18th September 1981

  • International machine tool design and research conference