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Risultati 1-20 di 3990

Les fêtes de chevalerie à la cour du roi René

emblématique, art et histoire : les joutes de Nancy, le Pas de Saumur et le Pas de Tarascon

  • Mérindol, Christian: de

Il trascorso presente

bambole, giocattoli, automi, 1830-1930

Triumphall shews

tournaments at German-speaking courts in their European contexts 1560-1730

  • Watanabe-O'Kelly, Helen

Al sangue o ben cotto

miti e riti intorno al cibo

  • Schiavon, C.

Food marketing

creare esperienze nel mondo dei foodies

  • Meo, Carlo

Riddarlek och tornerspel

Sverige - Europa : Utställning Livrustkammaren Stockholm, 12-6-1992 - 6-12-1992

Play orbit

showing at Royal national Eisteddfod of Wales, Flint, 4-9 August 1969, Institute of contemporary arts, London, 28 November 1969-15 February 1970 : a Studio international publication

Europa triumphans

court and civic festivals in early modern Europe

  • Mulryne, James Ronald 1937-


jousts, chivalry and pageants in the Middle Ages

  • Barber, Richard

Risultati 1-20 di 3990