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Risultati 40-60 di 2015

Museo degli usi e costumi della gente trentina

S.Michele all'Adige

  • Sebesta, Giuseppe

San Giorgio Jonico e paesi di area tarantina

storia, folklore, dialetto

  • Quaranta, Cosimo

Moeurs italiennes de la renaissance

la vengeance

  • Maugain, Gabriel

Cultura Indígena de Guatemala

ensayos de antropología social


il Museo della civiltà contadina romagnola

Il Lazio

usi, costumi, tradizioni, canti del popolo romano

  • Lancellotti, Arturo

La vie des paysans chinois

  • Smith, Arthur Hamilton 1860-1941

Le botteghe romane


  • Grimaldi Bernardi, Grazia

An account of the manners and custom of the modern Egyptians

written in Egypt during the years 1833, -34, and -35 : partly from notes made during a former visit to that country in the years 1825, -26, -27, and -28

  • Lane, Edward William

Life and leisure in ancient Rome

  • Balsdon, John Percy Vyvian Dacre