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Risultati 140-160 di 1551


  • Gennari, Mario 1952-


humans, animals, environments

Guts and brains

an integrative approach to the hominin record

L'identità umana

nati uguali per diventare diversi

  • Profeti, Livia

Studying human origins

disciplinary history and epistemology

The evolution of childhood

relationships, emotion, mind

  • Konner, Melvin

The bioarchaeology of children

perspectives from biological and forensic anthropology

  • Lewis, Mary E.

Reproduction and adaptation

[topics in human reproductive ecology]

The emergence of humans

an exploration of the evolutionary timeline

  • Ash, Patricia J.

Paleontology and geology of Laetoli

human evolution on context

  • Harrison, Terry

Meglio non essere nati [+]

la condizione umana tra Eschilo e Nietzsche

  • Curi, Umberto

The evolution of hominin diets

integrating approaches to the study of Palaeolithic subsistence

African genesis

perspectives on hominin evolution

Un grosso sbaglio [+]

l'idea occidentale di natura umana

  • Sahlins, Marshall

Modern origins

a North African perspective

Risultati 140-160 di 1551