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Risultati 300-320 di 1551


studies in manliness and courage in classical antiquity

Abitare la terra [+]

ambiente, umanismo, città

  • Duque, Félix

The last human

a guide to twenty-two species of extinct humans

Human story

where we come from and how we evolved

  • Lockwood, Charles antropologo

Neanderthals revisited

new approaches and perspectives

Human evolution

trails from the past

  • Cela-Conde, Camilo J.

Thumbs, toes, and tears

and other traits that make us human

  • Walter, Chip

What it means to be human

essays in philosophical anthropology, political philosophy and social psychology

Come eravamo

il divenire biologico della famiglia degli ominidi

Sexual visions

images of gender in science and medicine between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries

  • Jordanova, Ludmilla J.

Konstruktionen von Wirklichkeit

Bilder im Griechenland des 5. und 4. Jahrhunderts v. Chr.

Apariencia e identidad masculina

de la Ilustración al Decadentismo

  • Reyero, Carlos