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Risultati 160-180 di 1214


politika, kulʹtura, religija, socializm

  • Struve, Petr Berngardovic

The sorcerer as apprentice

Stalin as commissar of nationalities : 1917-1924

  • Blank, Stephen

Russia and its constitution

promise and political reality

Atlas istorii kultury Rossii

konec 17.-nacalo 20. vv.

  • Rogov, Evgenij Nilovic

Threath from the East?

Soviet policy from Afghanistan and Iran to the Horn of Africa

  • Halliday, Fred

The Cold War in retrospect

the formative years

  • Whitcomb, Roger S.

Regional development in Russia

past policies and future prospects

Stalins guerrillas

soviet partisans in World war 2.

  • Slepyan, Kenneth

The secret file of Joseph Stalin

a hidden life

  • Brackman, Roman

One step backwards, two steps forward

Soviet society and politics in the new economic policy

  • Pethybridge, Roger

The Cold War and Soviet insecurity

the Stalin years

  • Mastny, Vojtech

The economy of the USSR

summary and recommendations

The origins of the cold war in comparative perspective

American, British and Canadian relations with the Soviet Union, 1941-48

  • Aronsen, Lawrence

In Stalinʼs secret service

an exposé of Russiaʼs secret policies by the former chief of the Soviet intelligence in Western Europe

  • Krivitsky, Walter G.

Kommunisticeskaja oppozicija v SSSR

1923-1927 : iz arhiva Lva Trockogo v cetyreh tomah