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Risultati 60-80 di 284

The realm of st Stephen

a history of medieval Hungary, 895-1526

  • Engel, Pal

Letteratura ungherese, letteratura italiana

momenti e problemi dei rapporti letterari italo-ungheresi

  • Sárközy, Péter

Risorgimento italiano e questione ungherese

1849-1867 : Marcello Cerruti e le intese politiche italo-magiare

  • Fornaro, Pasquale

Das goldene Zeitalter

Kunst und Gesellschaft in Ungarn 1896-1914

  • Eri, Gyongyi

The melancholy of rebirth

essays from post-communist central Europe : 1989-1994

  • Konrád, György

Ungarn in der Donaumonarchie

Probleme der burgerlichen Umgestaltung eines Vielvolkerstaates

  • Hanák, Péter

Transition to rule of law

on democratic transformation in Hungary

  • Varga, Csaba

The road to a free economy

shifting from a socialist system: the example of Hungary

  • Kornai, Janos