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Risultati 1-20 di 67

International virology 2

proceedings of the Second international congress for virology, Budapest, 1971

  • International congress for virology 2. Budapest 1971

Varicella viruses

  • Taylor-Robinson, David

Negative strand viruses

papers based on a symposium held in Cambridge, England, 22-27 July 1973

Virus-induced immunopathology

the Gustav Stern symposium [on] perspectives in virology VI

  • Gustav Stern symposium on perspectives in virology 6. New York 1968

Classification and nomenclature of viruses

first report of the International committee on nomenclature of viruses

  • Wildy, Peter

The molecular biology of viruses

eighteenth symposium of the Society for general microbiology held at the Imperial College, London April 1968

  • Society for general microbiology

Canine distemper virus

Marburg virus

  • Appel, Max J.G.

Risultati 1-20 di 67