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Risultati 20-40 di 2122

The avian brood parasites

deception at the nest

  • Johnsgard, Paul A.

Acta XVII Congressus internationalis ornithologici, Berlin, 5.-11.VI.1978

  • International Ornithological Congress 17th Berlin 1978

Avifauna pugliese

catalogo sistematico degli uccelli osservati in Puglia

  • De Romita, Vincenzo

Birds of East Asia

Eastern China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Eastern Russia

  • Brazil, Mark

Quela quela

Africa's bird pest

The raptors of Europe and the middle east [+]

a handbook of field identification

  • Forsman, Dick

L'empire de l'air

Essai d'ornithologie appliquee a l'aviation

  • Mouillard, Louis Pierre

The sparrows

a study of the genus Passer

  • Summers-Smith, James Denis

The atlantic alcidae

the evolution, distribution and biology of the auks inhabiting the Atlantic Ocean and adjacent water areas

Ecology and management of neotropical migratory birds

a synthesis and review of critical issues

Dizionario ornitologico dialettale illustrato

Friuli- Venezia Giulia, Veneto, Lombardia, Emilia-Romagna, Toscana

  • Mancini, Gabriele

Ornitonimia e fitonimia lacustri

atti del 3. Convegno dell'Atlante linguistico dei laghi italiani (ALLI) : Siracusa (Fontanebianche), 16-19 maggio 1991

  • Atlante linguistico dei laghi italiani

Proceedings of the 1. meeting of the European ornithologists union

[Bologna, 28-30 august 1997]

  • European ornithologists union

Birds and habitat

relationships in changing landscapes


  • Snow, David W.


  • Frugis, Sergio