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Risultati 300-320 di 2122

The atlas of birds

mapping avian diversity, behaviour and habitats worldwide

  • Unwin, Mike

Conspectus genere avium

  • Bonaparte, Carlo Luciano principe di Musignano 1803-1857

Thesaurus Ornithologiae

repertorium der Gesammten ornithologischen Literatur und Nomrenclator Sammtliher Gattungen und Arten der Vogel nebst Synonymen und Geographischen Verbreitung

  • Giebel, Christoph Gottfried 1820-1881

Les oiseaux

l'ornithologie et ses bases scientifiques

  • Boubier, M.

Museum d'Histoire Naturelle des Pays-Bas

Revue methodique et critique de la collection des oiseaux. Tome I-IX

  • Schlegel, H.

Il comportamento vocale degli uccelli

tesi di laurea

  • Tongiorgi, Silvia

Field guide to the birds of south-east Asia

covering Burma, Malaya, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos and Hong Kong

  • King, Ben F.

The frontiers of bird identification

a British birds guide to some difficult species

The future of the red-legged partridge

science, hunting and conservation