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Risultati 80-100 di 360

Turkey [+]

a modern history

  • Zürcher, Erik J.

Sillabario turco

  • Longo, Bruno 1946-

Turkeyʼs new geopolitics

from the Balkans to Western China

  • Fuller, Graham E.


transnational politics in the post Ottoman world

Turkeys modernization

refugees from Nazism and Ataturks vision

  • Reisman, Arnold

İsmet İnönü

the making of a Turkish statesman

  • Heper, Metin

A changing Turkey

the challenge to Europe and the United States

  • Kramer, Heinz

Turkey before and after Atatürk

internal and external affairs

Strong State and Economic Interest Groups

The Post-1980 Turkish Experience

Between two worlds

the construction of the ottoman state

  • Kafadar, Cemal

9. Turk tarih kongresi

Ankara, 21-25 eylul 1981 : kongreye sunulan bildiriler

  • Turk tarih kongresi 9. Ankara 1981


  • DAWID, Maria

Turkey: from empire to revolutionary republic

the emergence of the Turkish nation from 1789 to the present

  • Aksin, Sina