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Risultati 20-40 di 92

Die Vorgesetztenverantwortlichkeit im völkerrechtlichen Straftatsystem

eine Untersuchung zur Rechtsprechung der internationalen Strafgerichtshöfe für das ehemalige Jugoslawien und Ruanda

  • Burghardt, Boris

La responsabilità penale internazionale degli individui

tra sovranità statale e giurisdizione universale

  • Oriolo, Anna

Selecting international judges

principle, process, and politics

Il tribunale per la ex-Iugoslavia

l'attività svolta e il suo prossimo scioglimento

I crimini internazionali

  • Colonna Vilasi, Antonella

Law, war and crime

war crimes trials and the reinvention of international law

  • Simpson, Gerry J.

Drones and the future of armed conflict

ethical, legal, and strategic implications

The counterinsurgent's constitution

law in the age of small wars

  • Sitaraman, Ganesh

Governing the use-of-force in international relations

the post 9/11 US challenge on international law

  • Warren, Aiden

A scrap of paper

breaking and making international law during the Great War

  • Hull, Isabel V.