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Oil-immersed brakes and clutches

conference sponsored by the automobile division and The tribology group of the Institution of mechanical engineers : London 15 March 1977

Tribologie et ingénierie des surfaces

actes des journées d'études 1995 tenues à l'Ecole des Mines de Nancy

Biological micro and nanotribology

nature's solutions

  • Scherge, Matthias

Mechanical tribology

materials, characterization, and applications

Friction, wear, lubrication

a textbook in tribology

  • Ludema, Kenneth C.

Surface diagnostics in tribology

fundamentals principles and applications

Tribology [+]

principles and design applications

Engineering tribology

  • Stachowiak, Gwidon W.

Industrial tribology

the practical aspects of friction, lubrification and wear


friction and wear of engineering materials

  • Hutchings, Ian M.

Tribology in metalworking

friction, lubrication and wear

  • Schey, John A.

Risultati 1-20 di 54