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Risultati 1-20 di 70

The death of the French Atlantic

trade, war, and slavery in the age of revolution

  • Forrest, Alan

Economia e politica vs libertà

questioni di diritto sulla tratta atlantica degli schiavi nel 19. secolo

  • Storti, Claudia

Africa and the West

a documentary history

  • Worger, William H.

The slave trade

the story of the Atlantic slave trade 1440-1870

  • Thomas, Hugh 1931-

Disease, resistance and lies

the demise of the transatlantic slave trade to Brazil and Cuba

  • Graden, Dale T.

Networks and trans-cultural exchange

slave trading in the South Atlantic, 1590-1867

The apocalypse of settler colonialism

the roots of slavery, white supremacy, and capitalism in seventeenth-century North America and the Caribbean

  • Horne, Gerald

History of the Liverpool privateers and letters of marque

with an account of the Liverpool slave trade

  • Williams, Gomer

Escravos e traficantes no império português

o comércio negreiro português no Atlântico durante os séculos 15. a 19.

  • Caldeira, Arlindo Manuel

Brokers of change

Atlantic commerce and cultures in precolonial Western Africa

Dahomey and the ending of the trans-Atlantic slave trade

the journals and correspondence of Vice-Counsul Louis Fraser, 1851-1852

  • Fraser, Louis

La traite des noirs dans l'Atlantique


  • Pope-Hennessy, James

Risultati 1-20 di 70