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Risultati 20-40 di 118


  • Feder, Jens

Geometry of the Laplace operator

  • Symposium on the geometry of the Laplace operator Honolulu, Hawaii 1979

Fractals everywhere

  • Barnsley, Michael Fielding

Huygens & Barrow Newton & Hooke

i primi passi dell'analisi matematica e della teoria delle catastrofi, dalle evolventi ai quasicristalli

  • Arnolʹd, Vladimir Igorevic

The beauty of fractals

images of complex dynamical systems

  • Peitgen, Heinz-Otto

Fractal geometry [+]

mathematical foundations and applications

  • Falconer, Kenneth J.

Fourier integral operators

  • Duistermaat, Johannes Jisse

Dynamical systems and small divisors

lectures given at the C.I.M.E. summer school held in Cetraro, Italy, June 13-20, 1998

  • Dynamical systems and small divisors Cetraro, Italy 1998