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Risultati 1-20 di 30

African studies thesaurus

subject headings for library users

  • Otchere, Freda E.

Linguaggi documentari e basi dati

atti del Convegno, Roma 3-4 dicembre 1990

Informazione e documentazione

atti del Seminario della Commissione nazionale Informazione e documentazione : Roma, 4 giugno 1990

  • Associazione italiana biblioteche

Norma internazionale ISO 5964

Documentazione : Linee-guida per la costruzione e lo sviluppo di thesauri multilingui

  • International organization for standardization


grow your own word-stock

  • Townley, Helen M.

International standard ISO 25964-2

information and documentation : thesauri and interoperability with other vocabularies : part 2: interoperability with other vocabularies

International standard ISO 25964-1

information and documentation : thesauri and interoperability with other vocabularies : part 1: thesauri for information retrieval

  • International organization for standardization

Thesaurus construction

a practical manual

  • Aitchison, Jean 1925-

Thesaurus SPINES

un vocabulaire controle et structure pour le traitment de l'information relative a la science et la technologie au service du developpment : edition francaise


International standard ISO 2788

documentation : guidelines for the establishment and development of monolingual thesauri

  • International organization for standardization

Thesaurus construction and use

a pratical manual

  • Aitchison, Jean 1925-

American national standard guidelines for thesaurus structure, construction, and use

ANSI Z39.19-1980, revision of ANSI Z39.19-1974

  • American national standard institute

Indexing languages and thesauri

construction and maintainance

  • Soergel, Dagobert

Linguaggiodonna [+]

primo thesaurus di genere in lingua italiana

  • Perrotta Rabissi, Adriana

Risultati 1-20 di 30