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Risultati 60-80 di 1256

Counter-terrorism networks in the European Union

maintaining democratic legitimacy after 9/11

  • Hillebrand, Claudia

Il diritto e il terrore

alle radici teoriche della "finalità di terrorismo"

  • Berardi, Alberto

Knowing the enemy

Jihadist ideology and the war on terror

  • Habeck, Mary R.

Martyrdom and terrorism

pre-modern to contemporary perspectives

La terreur spectacle

terrorisme et television

Maritime private security

market responses to piracy, terrorism and waterborne security risks in the 21st century

Counter-terrorism and the detention of suspected terrorists

preventive detention and international human rights law

  • Macken, Claire

Audiencia Nacional y prohibición penal de reuniones y manifestaciones

vulneración del derecho fundamental de reunión y manifestación en la instrucción de procesos por delito de pertenencia a organización terrorista

  • Martinez Garay, Lucia

Le regole dell'eccezione

un dialogo interdisciplinare a partire dalla questione del terrorismo

Courts and Terrorism

nine nations balance rights and security

Terrorismo e guerra

dinamiche inconsce della violenza politica

U.S. strategy against global terrorism

how it evolved, why it failed, and where it is headed

  • Tan, Andrew T.H.


origins, transformations and practices

  • Rappert, Brian