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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 20-40 di 740

Earth materials

  • Ernst, Wallace Gary

The expanding Earth

some consequences of Dirac's gravitation hypothesis

  • Jordan, Pascual

Changing the face of the Earth

culture, environment, history

  • Simmons, Ian Gordon

The physics of the Earth's core

an introduction

  • Melchior, Paul J.

Magma-crust interactions and evolution

geochemical and geophysical aspects of the interactions and evolution of magmas and rocks of the crust

The nature of the solid Earth

dedicated to Francis Birch

Festschrift Paul Niggli

zu seinem 60. Geburtstag den 26. Juni 1948

A discussion on the measurement and interpretation of changes of strain in the Earth

(discussion held 10 and 11 May 1972 - MSS received 18 October 1972)

La terre, les eaux, l'atmospheres

  • FranceBureau des longitudes

Fluid-fluid interactions

  • Mineralogical society of America

Life: an unauthorised biography

a natural history of the first four thousand million years of life on Earth

  • Fortey, Richard

The transmed atlas

the Mediterranean region from crust to mantle : geological and geophysical framework of the Mediterranean and the surrounding areas


  • Ehrlich, Henry Lutz