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Risultati 20-40 di 390

Folk medicine

the art and the science

Grundsätze altindischer Medizin

  • Müller, Reinhold Friedrich Gustav

An English translation of the Sushruta samhita,

based on original Sanskrit text, with a full and comprehensive introduction, additional texts, different readings, notes, comparative views, index, glossary and plates

  • Susruta

Agnivesa's Caraka samhita

text with English translation & critical exposition based on Cakrapani Datta's Ayurveda dipika

  • Caraka

Medicinal plants of the world

an illustrated scientific guide to important medicinal plants and their uses

  • Wyk van, Ben-Erik

Manuale di fitoterapia

  • Inverni & Della Beffa

Salute, malattia, morte

India ed Europa a confronto : [atti dell'International workshop "Health and illness: a comparison of concept in India and Europe", Venezia, 14-17 marzo 1987]

  • International workshop health and illness: a comparison between India and Europe

Vini medicinali

oltre 200 ricette per trasformare il vostro vino preferito in un balsamo rigeneratore

  • Fiorani, Eraclio

Piante medicinali e loro estratti in terapia

con illustrazioni di 93 droghe e ricchissimo ricettario

  • Boccaccio Inverni, Carlo

2° convegno di fitoterapia

Terme dei Papi, Viterbo : 19 aprile 1998

  • Convegno di fitoterapia 2. Viterbo 1998

La jungle et le fumet des viandes

un thème écologique dans la médecine hindoue

  • Zimmermann, Francis

Psionic medicine

the study and treatment of the causative factors in illness

  • Reyner, John Hereward