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Risultati 1460-1480 di 10105

ß-lactam antibiotics

mode of action, new developments, and future prospects : proceedings of a symposium on ß-lactam antibiotics: mode of action, new developments, and future prospects, held at the New York University School of Medicine from September 29-October 2, 1980

Dermal and transdermal absorption

(1st International symposium from 12-14 January, 1981, Munich)

  • Symposium on dermal and transdermal absorption 1. Munich 1981

British pharmaceutical technology conference, London, April 20th-22nd, 1982

  • British pharmaceutical technology conference 3. London 1982

Index psychopharmacorum

deutsch, français, english

  • Pöldinger, Walter

Arte farmaceutica e piante medicinali

erbari, vasi, strumenti e testi dalle raccolte liguri

Metronomic chemotherapy

pharmacology and clinical applications

Drug receptors

a symposium [held on 17 and 18 April 1972 in London at the Middlesex Hospital Medical School]

  • Biological council symposium on drug action Londra 1972