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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 260-280 di 385

1: Foundations [+]

  • Weinberg, Steven 1933-2021

2: Modern applications [+]

  • Weinberg, Steven 1933-2021

Quantum field theory in curved spacetime [+]

quantized fields and gravity

  • Parker, Leonard E.

Quantum field theory and its macroscopic manifestations

boson compensation, ordered patterns and topological defects

  • Blasone, Massimo

Problems of quantum field theory

proceedings of the 11. international conference. Dubna, july 13-17, 1998

Approaches to quantum gravity

toward a new understanding of space, time and matter

Gauge fields [+]

introduction to quantum theory

  • Faddeev, Ludwig D.

Non-perturbative field theory and QCD

proceedings of the Trieste Workshop, 17-21 December 1982, ICTP, Trieste, Italy

Operatoralgebraic methods in quantum field theory

a series of lectures

  • Baumgartel, Hellmut