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Risultati 1-20 di 60

The many-body problem

proceedings of the symposium on the many-body problem held at Steven institute of technology, Hoboken, New Jersey, January, 28-29, 1957

  • Symposium on the many-body problem Hoboken 1957

The many-electron problem

  • Viswanathan, Kalakad Sundaram

Physics of many-particle systems

Methods and problems

  • Meeron, Emmanuel

La théorie des gaz neutres et ionisés

le problème des n corps à température non nulle

  • Ecole d'été de physique théorique 9. Les Houches 1959

The many-body problem

lecture notes from the first Bergen international school of physics, 1961

  • Bergen international school of physics 1 Bergen 1961

Risultati 1-20 di 60