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Risultati 1-20 di 59


ein Lehrbuch der theoretischen Physik

  • Macke, Wilhelm

Ion traps for tomorrow's applications

proceedings of the International school of physics "Enrico Fermi", course 189 : Varenna on Lake Como (Villa Monastero), 22-30 July 2013 : rendiconti della Scuola internazionale di fisica Enrico Fermi, corso 189 : Varenna sul lago di Como, Villa Monastero, 22-30 luglio 2013

  • International school of physics "Enrico Fermi" 189. Varenna 2013

Rechenmethoden der Quantentheorie

dargestellt in Aufgaben und Losungen. Erster teil, Elementare Quantenmechanik

  • Flügge, Siegfried

The physical significance of the quantum theory

  • Lindemann, Frederick Alexander visconte di Cherwell

Quantum mathematical physics

atoms, molecules and large systems

  • Thirring, Walter

Time, the physical magnitude

  • Costa de Beauregard, Olivier

Scattering theory in quantum mechanics

physical principles and mathematical methods

  • Amrein, Werner O.

Quantum theory.

3, Radiation and high energy physics

Quantum theory of molecules and solids

4, The self-consistent field for molecules and solids

  • Slater, John C.

Risultati 1-20 di 59