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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 100-120 di 189

Economics for an imperfect world

essays in honor of Joseph E. Stiglitz

Bayesian networks and influence diagrams

a guide to construction and analysis

  • Kjaerulff, Uffe B.

Basic concepts in information theory and coding

the adventures of secret agent 00111

  • Golomb, Solomon Wolf

Probability and information

an integrated approach

  • Applebaum, David

Informed assessments

an introduction to information, entropy and statistics

  • Jessop, Alan

Information transmission [+]

an introductory guide to the application of the theory of information to the human sciences

  • Edwards, Elwyn

Topics in coding theory

in honour of Lars H. Zetterberg

Communication theory

transmission of waveforms and digital information

  • Sakrison, D. J.

Coding theory and applications [+]

2. International colloquium, Cachan-Paris, France, November 24-26, 1986 : proceedings

Fondamenti matematici della teoria dell'informazione

  • Hinčin, Aleksandr Jakovlevič 1894-1959

Economic analysis of information and contracts

essays in honor of John E. Butterworth

The economics of information

lying and cheating in markets and organization

  • Mohlo, Ian

Measurement uncertainty

an approach via the mathematical theory of evidence

  • Salicone, Simona 1975-

Risultati 100-120 di 189