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Risultati 1-20 di 50

Parts of classes

  • Lewis, David K.

Borel liftings of Borel sets

some decidable and undecidable statements

  • Debs, Gabriel

Descriptive set theory

  • Moschovakis, Yiannis N.

Set theory [+]

recent trends and applications

Leçons sur la théorie des fonctions [+]

éléments et principes de la théorie des ensembles; applications à la thèorie des fonctions

  • Borel, Émile

Foundations of set theory

  • Fraenkel, Abraham Adolf

What is a model of axiomatic set theory? [+]

tesi di dottorato

  • Bellotti, Luca

Set theory

on the structure of the real line

  • Bartoszynski, Tomek

Uncertain rule-based fuzzy logic systems

introduction and new directions

  • Mendel, Jerry M.

Set theory

an introduction to independence proofs

  • Kunen, Kenneth

Axiomatic set theory

impredicative theories of classes

  • Chuaqui, Rolando Basim

Risultati 1-20 di 50