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Risultati 20-40 di 675

Dies irae

eine Geschichte des Weltuntergangs

  • Fried, Johannes

Paradise postponed

Johann Heinrich Alsted and the birth of Calvinist millenarianism

  • Hotson, Howard

I fanatici dell'apocalisse

ultimo assalto a Gerusalemme

  • Blondet, Maurizio

La cura dei morti

  • Augustinus, Aurelius santo

Der Lübecker Totentanz V. J. 1520

Traduzione e commento : tesi di laurea

  • Lazzini, Manuela

Utopie, Eschatologie, Geschichtsteleologie

kritische Untersuchungen zum Ursprung und zum futuristischen Denken der Neuzeit

  • Kamlah, Wilhelm

Vade mecum in tribulatione

  • Rupescissa, Iohannes de fl. 1350

History and eschatology in John Scottus Eriugena and his time

proceedings of the thenth International Conference of the Society for the promotion of Eriugenian studies, Maynooth and Dublin, August 16-20, 2002

  • Society for the promotion of Eriugenian studies

Étude sur le Mystère de l'Antéchrist et du judgement de Dieu

joué a Modane en 1580 et en 1606, et fragment de la première journée

De bono mortis

  • Ambrosius santo

Death in the Eastern Mediterranean (50-600 A.D.)

the christanization of the East: an interpretation

  • Samellas, Antigone