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  • Quinn, Terence John


its measurement and control in science and industry. 2, papers presented at the third symposium on temperature, Washington, D.C., October 28-30, 1954

  • Symposium on temperature 3 Washington 1954

Guide de thermométrie

méthodes, réalisations des mesures

  • Goux, Claude


its measurement and control in science and industry : papers presented at a symposium held in New York City, November, 1939

Inventing temperature

measurement and scientific progress

  • Chang, Hasok

Di alcune recenti misure calorimetriche ed in particolare della misura del calore solare

discorso letto nell'inaugurazione dell'anno accademico 1893-94 della R. Università di Pavia il giorno 4 novembre 1893

  • Bartoli, Adolfo <1851-1896>

Risultati 1-15 di 15