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Risultati 1-20 di 42

Pieux et fondations sur pieux

exposé des divers systèmes de pieux, force portante et stabilité des pieux, renseignements numériques, exemples d'applications pratiques

  • Davidian, Zaven

Metodi di controllo dei pali di fondazione

quaderno tecnico per progettisti, collaudatori e direttori dei lavori

Laterally loaded deep foundations

analysis and performance : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee D-18 on soil and rock Kansas City, MO, 22 June 1983

Pile foundations

theory, design, practice

  • Chellis, Robert D.

Il sistema delle fondazioni lignee a Venezia

valutazione del comportamento chimico-fisico e microbiologico

Piling [+]

European practice and worldwide trends : proceedings of a conference /organized by the Institution of civil engineers and held in London on 7-9 April 1992 ; [edited by M. J. Sands]

Specification for piling and embedded retaining walls

specification, contract documentation and measurement, guidance notes

  • Institution of civil engineers

Calcolo di palificate

  • Testa Camillo, Antonino

Application of stress-wave theory on piles

proceedings of the international seminar on the application of stress-wave theory on piles : Stockholm, 4-5 June 1980

  • International Seminar on the Application of Stress-Wave Theory on piles Stockholm 1980

Recent developments in the design and construction of piles

proceedings of the conference held at the Institution of Electrical Engineers, 21-22 March, 1979

Seismic analysis and design for soil-p_ile-structure interactions

proceeding s of a sesssion sponsored by the committe on geotechnical earthquake engineeri ng of the Geo-Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers in conjunct ion with the ASCE National Convention in Minneapolis, Minnesota, October 5-8, 1997

Risultati 1-20 di 42