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Risultati 40-60 di 243

Tecnica delle fondazioni

  • Cestelli Guidi, Carlo

Der Grundbau

  • Franzius, Otto

Poussée des terres

tables numeriques, graphiques, exemples numériques, nouvelles études

  • Möller, Max

Construction dewatering

a guide to theory and practice

  • Powers, J. Patrick

Pressions et tassements des fondations superficielles

calcul des semelles de fondations : état élasto-plastique des sols

  • Reimbert, Marcel L.

Principi di meccanica del terreno

patologia delle fondazioni, identificazione del sottosuolo, prove di laboratorio ed in sito, analisi delle caratteristiche meccaniche dei terreni, modello costitutivo dei terreni

  • Cestelli Guidi, Carlo

Grouts and drilling muds in engineering practice

symposium organized by the British national society of the international society of soil mechanics and foundation engineering at the institution of civil engineers held in May 1963

  • International society of soil mechanics and foundation engineering

Ingenieurgeologie und Geotechnik

grundlagen und anwendung der Baugrund- und baustofflehre der naturlichen fels- und lockergesteine

  • Keil, Karl