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Risultati 860-880 di 13217

Coppia d'arte

Dario Fo e Franca Rame

Théâtre du 18. siècle

jeux, écritures, regards : essai sur les spectacles en France de 1700 à 1790

  • Trott, David

Bardzo krótkie lekcje

warsztaty teatralne prowadzone przez aktorów Teatru Cricot 2 w stulecie urodzin Tadeusza Kantora : theater workshops conducted by the actors Cricot 2 in the centenary of the birth of Tadeusz Kantor

Il firmamento lirico pisano

storia del teatro Verdi e dei cantanti pisani

  • Dell'Ira, Gino

Cabaret Cornichon

Erinnerungen an ein Cabaret

Certi prototipi di teatro

storie, poetiche e sogni di quattro gruppi teatrali : Fanny & Alexander, masque, teatro, motus, teatrino clandestino : storie poetiche e sogni di quattro gruppi teatrali

  • Molinari, Renata

Teatr v Rossii XVIII veka

opyt dokumental'noju issledovanija

  • Starikova, Ljudmila Mihajlovna

Edward Gordon Craig and the theatre of the imagination

an exhibition from the library of Norman Philbrick, October 6, 1985, through January 7, 1986, Department of special collections, Louis R. Lurie Rotunda, Cecil H. Green Library

Our Irish theatre

a chapter of autobiography

  • Gregory, Isabella Augusta

Daughters of Eve

a cultural history of French theater women from the Old Regime to the fin de siècle

  • Berlanstein, Lenard

Ein Kerl muß eine Meinung haben [+]

Berichte und Kritiken 1921-1924

  • Döblin, Alfred

Die Muse mit der scharfen Zunge

vom Cabaret zum Kabarett

  • Budzinski, Klaus