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Risultati 1-13 di 13

Making the modern American fiscal state

law, politics, and the rise of progressive taxation, 1877-1929

  • Mehrotra, Ajay K.

Do taxes matter?

the impact of the Tax Reform Act of 1986

Meno tasse per tutti?

dagli USA all'Italia : chi ci guadagna e chi ci perde

  • Krugman, Paul R.

1996 proceedings of the eighty-ninth annual conference on taxation

held under the auspices of the National tax association at Boston, Massachusetts, november 10-12, 1996 and minutes of the annual meeting held sunday, november 10, 1996

  • Annual conference on taxation 89; 1996; Boston

1995 Proceedings of the eighty-eighth annual conference on taxation

held under the auspices of the National tax association at San Diego, California October 8-10, 1995 and minutes of the annual meeting held Sunday, October 8, 1995

  • Annual conference on taxation 88. San Diego (CA) 1995

Taming Leviathan

are tax and spending limits the answer?

  • Stansel, Dean

Risultati 1-13 di 13