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Risultati 1-20 di 78

Was ist der Talmud?

Einführung in die "Mündliche Tradition" Israels

  • Gradwohl, Roland

Other others

the political after the Talmud

  • Dolgopolʹskiĭ, Sergeĭ Borisovich

Il libro bruciato

filosofia della tradizione e braica

  • Ouaknin, Marc-Alain

Halachah e Aggadah

sulla legge ebraica

  • Bialik, Ḥayyim Naḥman

Economic analysis in Talmudic literature [+]

rabbinic thought in the light of modern economics

  • Ohrenstein, Roman A.

Proceedings of the Second international symposium on medicine in Bible and Talmud

Jerusalem, December 18-20, 1984

  • International symposium on medicine in Bible and Talmud 2. Gerusalemme 1984

A great voice that did not cease

the growth of the rabbinic canon and its interpretation

  • Chernick, Michael L.

L'au-delà du verset

lectures et discours talmudiques

  • Lévinas, Emmanuel

La justification de la loi ; suivi de La formation du Talmud

Midrach, Michnah et Guemara

  • Halivni, David Weiss

Du sacré au saint

cinq nouvelles lectures talmudiques

  • Lévinas, Emmanuel

Invitation to the Talmud

a teaching book

  • Neusner, Jacob

Thesaurus Talmudis

concordantiae verborum quae in Talmude babilonico reperiuntur

Dal sacro al santo [+]

cinque nuove letture talmudiche

  • Lévinas, Emmanuel

Risultati 1-20 di 78