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Satires and personal writings

  • Swift, Jonathan 1667-1745


  • Murry, John Middleton 1889-1957

La parola prigioniera della carne

una lettura critica di 'A Modest Proposal and A Tale of a Tub' di J. Swift

  • Locatelli, Carla

Jonathan Swift

essays on his satire and other studies

  • Davis, Herbert John 1893-1967

The masks of Jonathan Swift

  • Ewald, William Bragg 1925-

Jonathan Swift

a critical biography

  • Murry, John Middleton 1889-1957

Jonathan Swift

  • Hunting, Robert

Jonathan Swift

a short character

  • Dennis, Nigel Forbes 1912-

The personality of Jonathan Swift

  • Ehrenpreis, Irvin 1920-1985


the man, his works and the age

  • Ehrenpreis, Irvin 1920-1985

In search of Swift

  • Johnston, Denis 1901-1984

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