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Risultati 1-20 di 56

Employment, capital and economic policy

Great Britain, 1918-1939

  • Booth, Alan

The economic advisory council, 1930-1939

a study in economic advice during depression and recovery

  • Howson, Susan

Productivity and growth

a study of British industry, 1954 - 1986

  • Oulton, Nicholas

British public policy, 1776-1939

an economic, social and political perspective

  • Checkland, Sydney

Die englische Europapolitik in der Wirtschaftskrise 1921-1923

zur Interdependenz von Wirtschaftsinteressen und Außenpolitik

  • Dohrmann, Bernd

Governing the economy

the politics of state intervention in Britain and France

  • Hall, Peter A.

Reversing industrial decline?

industrial structure and policy in Britain and her competitors

Forging capitalism

rogues, swindlers, frauds and the rise of modern finance

  • Klaus, Ian

Risultati 1-20 di 56