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Risultati 40-60 di 129

Winds of change

economic transition in Central and Eastern Europe

  • Gros, Daniel

Without a map

political tactics and economic reform in Russia

  • Shleifer, Andrei

Government and markets

Establishing a democratic constitutional order and a market economy in former socialist countries

Government, industry and rearmament in Russia

1900-1914 : the last argument of tsarism

  • Gatrell, Peter

Adam Smith goes to Moscow

a dialogue on radical reform

  • Adams, Walter

Kremlin capitalism [+]

the privatization of the Russian economy

  • Blasi, Joseph R.

Liberalization and its consequences

a comparative perspective on Latin America and Eastern Europe

Privatisierung in der Systemtransformation

Eine ökonomische Untersuchung am Beispiel der Privatisierungspolitik in Tschechien, der Slowakei, Ungarn, Polen und Rumänien

  • Plattner, Dankwart