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Risultati 20-40 di 129

I progetti di preferenza doganale ai cereali degli stati dell'Europa centro-orientale

memoria letta alla R. Accademia dei Georgofili di Firenze nell'adunanza del 14 maggio 1933 (XI)

  • Mazzei, Jacopo

Democracy and the market

political and economic reforms in Eastern Europe and Latin America

  • Przeworski, Adam

Zur Physiognomie sozialistischer Wirtschaftsreformen

die Sowjetunion, Polen, die Tschechoslowakei, Ungarn, die DDR und Jugoslawien im Vergleich

Privatisation in Russia

hard choice, first results, new targets

  • Radygin, Alexander

Stalinʼs industrial revolution

politics and workers, 1928-1932

  • Kuromiya, Hiroaki

The privatization process in Russia, Ukraine and the Baltic States

economic environment, legal and ownership structure, institutions for state regulation ...

Kondratiev and the dynamics of economic development

long cycles and industrial growth in historical context

  • Barnett, Vincent

Privatizing eastern Europe

the role of markets and ownership in the transition

  • Brabant, Jozef M.: van

Macroeconomic problems of transformation

stabilization policies and economic restructuring

Privatisation & corporate finance in Eastern Europe

19-21 June, 1991, Duna intercontinental hotel, Budapest