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Risultati 1-20 di 52

Trade and politics in the Niger Delta 1830-1885

an introduction to the economic and political history of Nigeria

  • Dike, K. Onwuka

Sub-Saharan Africa

from crisis to sustainable growth

African development

making sense of the issues and actors

  • Moss, Todd J.

Poteri locali, poteri tradizionali

decentramento, sviluppo e storia in Africa

Agents of change

studies on the policy environment for small enterprise in Africa

African development report 1998

Africa in the world economy, human capital development in Africa, economic and social statistics on Africa

Africa and the challenge of development

acquiescence and dependency versus freedom and development

  • Abubakar, Ahmad

Food and power in Sudan

a critique of humanitarianism

  • African rights

Integration economique

perspective africaines

  • Diouf, Makhtar


the challenge of transformation

  • McCarthy, Stephen

Tecnologie per lo sviluppo, Africa

mostra organizzata dall'Ente autonomo per le fiere di Bologna, nell'ambito del SAIE 86, Salone dell'industrializzazione edilizia, Bologna 22-26 ottobre 1986

Economic development in Africa

international efforts, issues and prospects

Risultati 1-20 di 52