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Risultati 60-80 di 142

After apartheid

  • Mallaby, Sebastian

Southern Africa at the crossroads?

prospects for stability and development in the 1990s

The making of modern South Africa

conquest, segregation and apartheid

  • Worden, Nigel


the epic of South Africas creation and the tragedy of the Xhosa people

  • Mostert, Noel

Bounds of possibility

the legacy of Steve Biko & Black consciousness

Not telling

secrecy, lies and history

Sanctions financieres contre l'Afrique du Sud

rapport faisant suite a une etude effectuee sous les auspices du Groupe d'experts independants charge par le Conseil d'administration du BIT de surveiller et de controler la mise en oeuvre des sanctions et autres actions contre l'apartheid

Islam, hinduism, and judaism in South Africa

an annotated bibliography

  • Chidester, David

Breve storia del Sudafrica [+]

dalla segregazione alla democrazia

  • Zamponi, Mario

Sudafrica [+]

  • Federico, Veronica

Dopo l'apartheid [+]

il processo di cambio in Sud Africa