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Risultati 1-20 di 139

IABSE workshop Lausanne 1990

remaining fatigue life of steel structures : report

  • International association for bridge and structural engineering

Limit states design of structural steelwork

David A. Nethercot

  • Nethercot, David A.


manuale tecnico per il progetto e la verifica delle strutture in acciaio e delle connessioni bullonate e saldate : cenni sulla progettazione antisismica delle membrature

  • Caffè, Simone

Design of steel structures for buildings in seismic areas

Eurocode 8: Design of steel structures in seismic areas, part 1-1 - General rules and rules for buildings

European recommendations for steel construction

the stress skin design of steel structures

  • European convention for constructional steelwork ECCS

Strutture portanti in lamiera d'acciaio

progettazione, produzione, costi

  • Iannaccone, Walther

Steel construction

a manual for architects, engineers and fabricators of buildings and other steel structures

  • American institute of steel construction

Risultati 1-20 di 139