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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 240-260 di 619

Memorie scientifiche

  • Baldacci, Riccardo


  • Halphen, Bernard

Strutture sotto sforzo

  • Gordon, James Edward

Analisi per elementi finiti

modellazione strutturale e controllo dei risultati

Structures under shock and impact 2.

proceedings of the second international conference held in Portsmouth 16-18 June 1992

  • International conference on structures under shock and impact 2. Portsmouth 1992

Lehrbuch der Statik

Theorie und ihre Anwendung

  • Sattler, Konrad

Full-scale load testing of structures

a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee E06 on Performance of Building Constructions and the American Society of Civil Engineers Committee on the Professional Practice for Full-Scale Structural Testing, Philadelphia, Pa, 2 april 1979

  • Schriever, W. R.

Guida all’Eurocodice

criteri generali di progettazione strutturale: EN 1990

  • Gulvanessian, H.