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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 1-20 di 40

Psichiatria della salute aziendale e mobbing

studi sui disturbi mentali in ambito lavorativo

Stress management

psychological foundations

  • Auerbach, Stephen M.

Stress & health

biological and psychological interactions

  • Lovallo, William R.

Psychosocial stress

trends in theory and research

Stress counseling

come gestire gli stati personali di tensione

  • Fontana, David

Decisione e stress

  • Broadbent, Donald E.

Psychological stress

psychoanalytic and behavioral studies of surgical patients

  • Janis, Irving Lester

Organizational stress

studies in role conflict and ambiguity

Psychological stress

issues in research

Managing stress

emotion and power at work

  • Newton, Tim

Intervention in occupational stress

a handbook of counselling for stress at work

  • Ross, Randall R.

Stress and mental health

contemporary issues and prospects for the future

Job stress in a changing workforce

investigating gender, diversity and family issues

Risultati 1-20 di 40