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Risultati 1-20 di 30

Leo Strauss

une autre raison, d'autres lumières : essai sur la crise de la rationalité contemporaine

  • Pelluchon, Corine

Carl Schmitt and Leo Strauss

the hidden dialogue ; including Strausss notes on Schmitts Concept of the political and three letters from Strauss to Schmitt

  • Meier, Heinrich

Leo Strauss

man of peace

  • Howse, Robert

Leo Strauss and the conservative movement in America

a critical appraisal

  • Gottfried, Paul Edward

Hannah Arendt and Leo Strauss

German émigrés and American political thought after World War 2.

Das theologisch-politische Problem

zum Thema von Leo Strauss

  • Meier, Heinrich

Strauss und Rawls

das philosophische Dilemma der politik

  • Kauffmann, Clemens

La storia della filosofia come filosofia politica

Carl Schmitt e Leo Strauss lettori di Thomas Hobbes

  • Altini, Carlo

Carl Schmitt, Leo Strauss et la notion de politique

un dialogue entre absents

  • Meier, Heinrich

Leo Strauss

political philosopher and Jewish thinker

Jerusalem and Athens

reason and revelation in the work of Leo Strauss

  • Orr, Susan

Leo Strausss thought

toward a critical engagement

Carl Schmitt, Leo Strauss und "Der Begriff des Politischen"

zu einem Dialog unter Abwesenden

  • Meier, Heinrich

Risultati 1-20 di 30