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Risultati 20-40 di 172

La storia del pianeta Terra

introduzione allo studio della geologia

  • Rid, Heinrich

Die juraformation Englands, Frankreichs und des südwestlichen Deutschlands

Nach ihren einzelnen gliedern eingetheilt und verglichen

  • Oppel, Albert

Developments and interactions of the precambrian atmosphere, lithosphere and biosphere

: compilation of papers based on (...) the IGCP Projects 157 and 160 meeting at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico in Mexico City, Mexico, January 11-14, 1982

Historical geology

  • Woodford, Alfred Oswald

Historical geology

  • Dunbar, Carl Owen


essays on European lower Permian

  • Falke, Horst 1909-

History of the Earth

an introduction to historical geology

  • Kummel, Bernhard