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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 640-660 di 2250

Public and academic history

a philosophy and paradigm

  • Leffler, Phyllis K.

History and tropology

the rise and fall of metaphor

  • Ankersmit, Frank R.

Mickey Mouse numbers in world history

the short view

  • Platt, Desmond Christopher St. Martin

Tropics of discourse

essays in cultural criticism

  • White, Hayden

Memoria rerum veterum

neue Beitrage zur antiken Historiographie und alten Geschichte : Festschrift fur Carl Joachim Classen zum 60. Geburtstag

Heritage and challenge

the history and theory of history

  • Conkin, Paul K.

The inventions of history

essays on the representation of the past

  • Bann, Stephen

L'historiographie medievale en Europe

actes du colloque organise par la Fondation europeenne de la science au Centre de recherches historiques et juridiques de l'Universite Paris 1. du 29 mars au 1. avril 1989

Quantitative methods for historians

a guide to research, data and statistics

  • Jarausch, Konrad H.

Von der Aufklarung zum Historismus

zum Strukturwandel des historischen Denkens

History in the United States

1800-1860 : its practice and purpose

  • Callcott, George H.

La verdad tamizada

cronistas, reporteros e historiadores ante su público