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Risultati 120-140 di 3364

The Declaration of Independence

  • Pleasants, Samuel Augustus 1918-

Lincoln and freedom

slavery, emancipation, and the thirteenth amendment

Britain, Roosevelt, and the New Deal

British opinion, 1932-1938

  • Dizikes, John 1932-

George Washington

exposition organisée pour la commémoration du cent cinquantième anniversaire de la Constitution américaine

  • Bibliothèque nationale Parigi

La leggenda nera

storia proibita degli spagnoli nel Nuovo Mondo

  • Casas, Bartolomé de las

Sinistra politica e movimento operaio negli Stati Uniti

dal primo dopoguerra alla repressione liberal-maccartista

  • Sylvers, Malcolm

Recent social trends in the United States

report of the President's Research Committee on Social Trends

  • Stati Uniti d'AmericaPresident's Research Committee on Social Trends

Il pensiero politico e sociale di Thomas Jefferson

saggio introduttivo e antologia di testi

A very different age

Americans of the progressive era

  • Diner, Steven

The New Deal [+]

  • Conkin, Paul Keith

The French navy and American independence

a study of arms and diplomacy, 1774-1787

  • Dull, Jonathan R.

Black prophetic fire

in dialogue with and edited by Christa Buschendorf

  • West, Cornel

Who rules America?

power and politics

  • Domhoff, William G.

The unfinished journey

America since world war II

  • Chafe, William

Altgeld's America

the Lincoln ideal versus changing realities

  • Ginger, Ray

Risultati 120-140 di 3364